课后辅导After School


远东中文是一所离家近又能让孩子达到完整学习目标的学校。学校的宗旨是让孩子在一个安全的环境下, 培育TK到五年级的小学生, 让孩子能开发学习浅力并与相近年龄的朋友建立友谊。我们学校专注在孩子的语言, 数学, 家庭作业辅导和充实的才艺班课程来提高孩子的学业成果。

Unlock Your Child’s Potential

Far East After School Program is your child’s complete academic destination away from home. Our program is about nurturing the potential of your child from transitional-kindergarten to grade 5 by providing a safe environment where they can learn new skills and build friendships with their peers. Our school focuses on improving academic achievement through literacy in language, mathematic, homework support, and enrichment activities.



远东中文学校提供简体中文, 发展孩子的第二语言。 学生会学习拼音发音,部首,扩展词汇,生活常用词语,单词用法,句形模式和语法。 学习过程将帮助学生发展汉语的听,说,读,写能力,并提高写作技巧。 藉由儿童民间传说,诗歌,动画和图画书的故事讲解来学习中文。 介绍中国文化和传统,让学生更能深入探索中国的悠久历史。

Mandarin Chinese (Simplified)

Our After School Program provides Mandarin Chinese (Simplified) class to educate students who wish to develop their second language. Students will learn Pinyin pronunciation, radicals, expanding vocabulary, frequently used characters, word usage, sentence patterns, and grammar. The course will help students to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in Mandarin Chinese and build their writing skills in basic composition. Students will be taught through children folklore music, poems, animations, and picture book storytelling. Introducing Chinese culture and tradition to help students explore the rich history of China.



远东提供数学课程,经由反覆练习多种习题与挑战性应用题来增强孩子的逻辑思考,从而提高学生的数学能力。 远东特别挑选Kumon和Singapore数学的搭配,来帮助学生通过日常练习, 打好基础, 掌握数学的每个不同层面。 此课程使学生不断得进步并不限制他们的学习范围。


Far East After School Program offers math class to help students strength their logical thinking through challenging problems and exercises to enhance student’s math skills. Utilizing Kumon and Singapore math to assist students master each building block of math through daily assignments. The course keeps students advancing and never limits their learning.



除了中文和数学以外,学校还提供各种才艺选修课程来充实孩子的日常。 喜欢户外活动的学生们可参加足球,排球和少林功夫。喜欢学术活动的学生们可参加国际象棋,人工智能程式编辑设计,公共演讲和创意艺术。才艺课程减少平日忙碌家长们的接送,直接在远东就能学习到多样化才艺。

Enrichment Program

Beyond education in language and mathematics, our After School Program offers a variety of after school enrichment classes. Providing a unique appeal to students who enjoy outdoor activities such as soccer, volleyball, and shaolin kung fu, or to students who enjoy academic adventures such as chess, AI programing, public speaking, and creative arts. Enrichment program at Far East eliminates the need for parents to pickup and drop off students by saving their time and reducing hassle.



为了帮助学生养成良好的家庭作业习惯,学校提供充分的时间和帮助,以确保学生满怀信心地完成学校的作业。 我们的老师以协助学生理解概念为目标,减少挫败感,并通过即时反馈鼓励学生

Homework Help

To help students develop good homework habits, our After School Program provides the time and assistance to ensure students complete their schoolwork assignment from their elementary school with confidence. Our teachers assist students to understand the concepts to minimize their frustration and motivate students with instant feedback.



我们学校每天让学生有户外休息游戏的时间,让他们与同学放松和社交。 户外游戏环境包括3 Acres的游乐场,其中有两个大型游乐设施,滑梯,攀爬设施,沙池, 大片草坪和花园. 可帮助孩童在户外玩耍时发展社交,情感和身体运动。 户外游乐区为儿童提供了充足的阴影,供他们安全的休息和放松场地

Outdoor Play

Our school offers daily outdoor playtime for students to relax and socialize with their friends. Outdoor play environment includes 3 Acres playground area with two large play structures, slides, climbing structures, covered sandbox, and garden to help children develop their social, emotional, and physical skills while enjoying outdoors. Outdoor play area provides sufficient shade for children to rest and relax.



远东提供课后安全交通服务。 我们的接车服务确保学生始终受到保护 。我们的司机确保准时接学生并将学生直接安全的送到我们学校。为了我们的学生提供最佳的乘车体验, 我们的车辆随时保持清洁和定期维修保养。


Our program provides after school transportation. Our transportation service makes sure students are always protected and arrive safely to our school. Our drivers ensure all transportation safety while picking up students on-time and driving students directly to our school. Our vehicles are properly cleaned and maintained to provide the best ride experience for our student.